Guest Lecture: Improving Employability for Students through Co-Creation and external Collaboration
This talk will reflect experiences and discussions after having been working with students and external partners through a semester. During this semester, students collaborated with a company or an organization to solve a task set by the company. The students had to use their academic and analytical skills and competences as a part of working with the ‘product’ (pitch and report), which they had to deliver to their collaboration partners. This means that the students were aware of the competences they used. The collaboration with companies and organizations formed, at the same time, part of and were integrated in the courses taught during the semester; the theories, concepts and themes, we presented in our teaching could be used by the students in their collaboration with the companies both practically and theoretically.
Vibeke Andersson is associate Professor at Aalborg University, Department of Politics and Society.
VA has experience from doing fieldwork in Latin America and she has been teaching in various programs including Anthropology and Ethnology at Copenhagen University and Development Studies and Global Refugee studies at Aalborg University.
Another research interest is within problem-based learning (PBL) and employability.
She is currently affiliated with the research group on ‘Development and International Relations’ and she teaches at the master program ‘Global Refugee Studies’ at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2021 von 17.30 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr
Die Veranstaltung findet als Präsenzvortrag mit Online-Übertragung statt.
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