Collaborative Ethnographies: Researching Affect and Emotion
Annual Transdisciplinary Winter School Culture, Psychology, and Qualitative Research 2022
This two-day online Winter School provides an introduction to ethnography in the context of affect and emotion research. It focusses on practices of collaborative fieldwork and scrutinizes its potential to advance decolonial practices of knowledge construction. The Winter School is located broadly in the field of Psychological Anthropology, Cultural Psychology, and Affect/Emotion Studies and invites PhD/doctoral students to discuss their collaborative methods in the context of fieldwork and ethnography.
The Winter School consists of four key note lectures, practical data sessions and individual consultations. We provide the participants with theoretical background knowledge in an online-platform as well as examples of first hands-on practice. A general knowledge of qualitative research, ethnography, mixed methods, comparative, or collaborative methods will be helpful.
Please send your application packages, which should contain a short motivation letter, curriculum vitae including a list of symposia attended and publications (if any), and an abstract of your PhD research project (max. 300 words), in one pdf document no later than October 31, 2022 to Maximilian Leipold (
For more info on key notes and lecturers, please check the following link (landing page):
We are looking forward for your applications and your participation.
In collaboration of the Centre for Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University (Carolin Demuth), Sigmund Freud University Berlin (Meike Watzlawik), Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Dominik Mihalits), and the Instiute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin (Thomas Stodulka).
Local organizers:
Thomas Stodulka (FU Berlin), Ferdiansyah Thajib (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg), and Katja Liebal (University of Leipzig) supported by the CRC 1171 Affective Societies (FU Berlin) and the Leipzig Lab (University of Leipzig).