Dipl.-Päd. Maria Bayer-Weichinger

Faculty Psychotherapy Science
E-mail praxis@bayer-weichinger.at
Location Vienna

Field of work



Is an integrative Gestalt therapist in Vienna, teaching therapist, teaching supervisor and trainer at the Institute for Integrative Gestalt Therapy Vienna (IGWien). Teaching at the Sigmund Freud Private University Vienna, Faculty of Psychotherapy Sciences. Studies in religious education. In private practice since 2005. Further training in client-centered psychotherapy, dance therapy, trauma therapy (Brainspotting according to D.Grande), Trans*Gender/Trans*Identities. Many years of collaboration and management of the complaints office for psychotherapy of the WLP/ÖBVP, as well as psychotherapist at the outpatient clinic of the SFU Vienna. Many years of workshop and seminar activity.