Faculty Psychotherapy Science
kurt.greiner@sfu.ac.atLocation Vienna
Field of work
Scientific staff
Univ. Prof. DDr. Kurt Greiner, who has been teaching and researching in the field of psychotherapy studies (Psychotherapiewissenschaft) at SFU Vienna since 2007, habilitated in 2012 with a teaching license in philosophy of psychotherapy studies and was appointed university professor in the field of psychotherapy studies in 2016. He founded the discipline "Psychotextology" and heads the "Institute for Psychotextology and Philosophical Psychotherapy Studies" together with philosopher and psychologist Martin Jandl.
Main areas of research and teaching: epistemology of psychotherapy, theory research in psychotherapy and modalities-interdisciplinary therapy research.
Institute for Psychotextology and Philosophical Psychotherapy Studies:
Institut für Experimentelle Psychotherapiewissenschaft (Psychotextologie) und psychotherapiewissenschaftliche Philosophie
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