Doris Müller, Dipl.Psych

Doris Müller, Dipl.Psych

Faculty Psychology
Location Berlin

Field of work

Lecturer for conversational psychotherapy


Graduated Psychologist Doris Müller, born 1945
Psychological therapist, Client centered psychotherapist with license to practice in depth psychology-based psychotherapy.
Instructor/trainer of the GwG in psychotherapy and consulting, lecturer/instructor for client-centered psychotherapy in different training institutions for psychotherapy.
Supervisor: BDP, GwG
Professional career:
1970 – 73 Social services department at Bayer AG
1973 – 77 Evangelisches Johannesstift Berlin-Spandau (initially as a psychologist in a youth residential facility, later as manager of the entire pedagogical area)
1977 – 2005 working as freelance psychotherapist, supervisor, and instructor in Bavaria
2005 – 2010 part-time as employee in a learning psychotherapy facility of the youth welfare service in Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Since 2005 – today working as freelance psychotherapist, supervisor, and instructor in Berlin