Faculty Medicine
Johannes.Zacherl@med.sfu.ac.at Location Vienna
Field of work
Chair of Surgery of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
Univ. Prof. Dr. Johannes Zacherl is Head of the Department of Surgery at St. Josef Hospital and Head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Oesophagus and Stomach at the St. Josef Tumour Centre in Vienna. After studying human medicine and a research year at the I. Chirurg. Univ. Clinic in Vienna, he trained as a specialist surgeon. In 2000/2001, Dr. Zacherl specialised in oesophageal and gastric surgery under Prof. Siewert at the Klinikum rechts der Isar/TU Munich. Back in Vienna, he completed his habilitation in 2003. Dr Zacherl has been a specialist in visceral surgery since 2008. In 2012, Dr Zacherl moved to the Vinzenzgruppe as head of department.